Thursday, June 5, 2008

Episode Two Is Out... When's The Next?

You can expect the next one out.. when we decide we want to sit down and cut into that beast. Compared to Gitaroo Man, which was pretty much just clips of gameplay from all the levels and a few Master's Play in there too, the next episode is considerably greater in content and in narrative. The actual narrative script was a whopping three and a half pages, considerably larger than the one and a half for The Game of Life and two for Gitaroo Man. So, incidentally, since we're trying to actually get the size down to allow it to upload to YouTube, we may need to actually do the next episode in two parts instead of one whole one.

At any rate, the next one's going to be a fighting game for the Gamecube. We got the footage off of Huskobon's Wii, which was actually quite handy. Unlike Gitaroo Man, and like Game of Life, it's in Japanese, so unless you know Japanese, you're not liable to understand anything that pops up on the screen. Even so, we'll explain it to you.

The actual narrative audio came out to a little over ten minutes, so considering YouTube's ten minute policy - I'm not totally sure about Director accounts and our status on getting one at this point - we may have to cut into the narrative audio and take some stuff out. Which is a shame.

We may also simply make a director's cut and post it up where larger files and longer videos are allowed. We'll see what it comes to in the near future.

Anyway, look forward to the next episode, and we hope you enjoyed the second. We had a great time editing the video. It's all a learning process still.

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