Sunday, June 29, 2008

Before El Erico there was me and my crappy voice.

Before my friend El Erico was the narrator if the show i tried to see how my video editing skills were. It was good, but there was another with my voice. Frankly it wasn't gonna cut it. Maybe if i did like a Retarded Gamer Show it would be a better fit but till then its a no go. Anyways hope you enjoy my little experiment.

Friday, June 27, 2008


As promised here a sneak peak at our next game review.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Episode 5 is still in prodution so heres an interesting find.

As the title said we're still working on our newest episode, but do not worry as we believe that it is worth the wait. I'll have a preview up sometime today or tomorrow so you'll know what we're up to. Till then hers a very interesting video i found on revver, enjoy!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Magic Ink Gaming Episode 4: Vampire Nights (PS2)

In this episode of Magic Ink Reviews, we review Vampire Nights for the PS2. This game, born into the unforgiving sun, is one of Namco's many failed attempts at a rail shooter. Get ready for some horrible voice acting in this "treasure". Vampires, hunters and kidnap victims await you in today's episode!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Incredible Hulk review

Hey everyone! While we work on Episode 4, why not enjoy this quick review of the new Incredible Hulk movie. For those who are expecting John Woo's Piggins to be found this version, just turn around, take your bread with you, and take a bench in the park.

Episode 4 should be up within a week, so to our fans, (and i'm not talking about me, myself, and I) please be patient.

By the way, just for the record, our material is on these websites.

Youtube (Under Killatia)
Revver (Under Killatia)
Destructoid (In the community blogs under the user name Killatia)
Veoh (Under Killatia)
Screwattack (Under blogs with the user name Killatis)
Or just search for "Magic Ink Gaming" on any of these sites.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Episode Three Is Out... What To Expect?

Now you can expect Episode Four! We would've cranked this out earlier, so we're probably going to have to wait a week or so, but after cranking out Episode Three so fast, I decided it might be best to take a break. Well, fast is a relative term, seeing as how the actual Magic Ink Review Process consists of several actual steps:

Step 1: Decide on game to review. We tend to have some conflicting ideas/interests when it comes to this.

Step 2: Record game footage. This requires, obviously, most of what's going to be talked about, and extra filler footage to fill in the gaps. Usually we get enough with just one or two plays.

Step 3: Dump the footage onto the computer and convert it to a format that can be read by the video editor. Chris does this, so I'm not totally sure how this works exactly.

Step 4: Develop the script! As much as Billy and Chris think I'm great at coming up with stuff on a whim, putting it all into words can be a fairly difficult process. So, I write up a script and follow that when I...

Step 5: Record the narrative. I have the most fun with this, since Chris and Billy are almost always around to listen and give pointers. Actual editing of the script can happen pre, during, or post-recording. Maybe sometime I'll throw up a video of the actual work area(s) if there's actual interest.

Step 6: Video editing! This tends to take as long, if not longer, than the actual gameplay recording. There's a lot of actual content to sift through, and making it all relevant can be a bit discouraging at times. Sometimes there's just nothing there for what I want. Ah, well. For example, in the original version of the Battle Stadium D.O.N. script, there was a whole two paragraphs cut describing the bonus level for the slot machine, because we didn't actually HAVE the footage, and Billy was too lazy to play and get some. We're sure you'll get the idea of what we meant when you play, anyway.

Step 7: Convert the final product into a playable format and shrink it according to size restrictions on the few websites we throw the actual movie onto. This is, again, what Chris does. I do the describing and try to think up tags for the post.

So, there's a little look into the actual Magic Ink Gaming Process.

As for the next review, you'll probably be pleased to know that it's got some hilariously bad voice acting, but that's all I'm giving away. Look forward to it.. eventually!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Magic Ink Gaming, Episode 3: Battle Stadium D.O.N. (Gamecube)

Today's episode of Magic Ink gaming focuses on a crossover fighting game by the name of Battle Stadium D.O.N.. Released in the middle of 2006, the game was overlooked in favor of other games, and certainly needed a bit of a pick-me-up. Finding and purchasing this game won't be particularly difficult, seeing as it's for the now-extinct Gamecube. Just remember, when you have rubbery pirates and guys with gravity-defying golden hair running around, Fight Club will never be the same.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Episode Two Is Out... When's The Next?

You can expect the next one out.. when we decide we want to sit down and cut into that beast. Compared to Gitaroo Man, which was pretty much just clips of gameplay from all the levels and a few Master's Play in there too, the next episode is considerably greater in content and in narrative. The actual narrative script was a whopping three and a half pages, considerably larger than the one and a half for The Game of Life and two for Gitaroo Man. So, incidentally, since we're trying to actually get the size down to allow it to upload to YouTube, we may need to actually do the next episode in two parts instead of one whole one.

At any rate, the next one's going to be a fighting game for the Gamecube. We got the footage off of Huskobon's Wii, which was actually quite handy. Unlike Gitaroo Man, and like Game of Life, it's in Japanese, so unless you know Japanese, you're not liable to understand anything that pops up on the screen. Even so, we'll explain it to you.

The actual narrative audio came out to a little over ten minutes, so considering YouTube's ten minute policy - I'm not totally sure about Director accounts and our status on getting one at this point - we may have to cut into the narrative audio and take some stuff out. Which is a shame.

We may also simply make a director's cut and post it up where larger files and longer videos are allowed. We'll see what it comes to in the near future.

Anyway, look forward to the next episode, and we hope you enjoyed the second. We had a great time editing the video. It's all a learning process still.

Episode 2: Gitaroo Man for the ps2

While we maybe releasing our second episode alittle earlier then expected my two friends wanted out asap so we can spread the word of MAGICINKGAMING. Anyways the second episode of Magic Ink Gaming is Gitaroo Man for the Playstation 2. With re-releases in 2005, and Gitaroo Man Lives! for the PSP, you'll not have a hard time getting this normally-rare-game. Enjoy some rhythm, action, and a bit of mystery. Oh, and Hee Haw. Credits: Chris: Tech Guy, Video Editing Eric: General Gameplay, Narrative/Script Writing, Video Editing Billy: General Gameplay, Video Editing, Equipment Guy, The Thinker

Monday, June 2, 2008

Episode One Is Out.. So, Now What?

Now you wait! Actually, you probably don't have to wait that long. We've already recorded the majority footage for episode two, so now all that remains to be done is the rest of the recording and the script writing/audio. I know the first episode was a little sloppy, but expect the show to be considerably better in the coming months. Particularly, there's some things that we need to do now that we have a better idea of what we're doing:

* Get a better microphone. Failing that, figure out how to make the voices a little louder. Or, maybe I just have to move my mouth closer to the microphone. Will experiment some later.

* Need to lower the background noise of the game itself unless the background noise is needed. It clashed fairly violently with the actual narrative, and completely slipped our minds until the finished product was complete.

* Need to sit down with Chris and map out everything from start to finish. He did a great job by himself, but I figure it was probably better that we actually sit down with him and map it all out from start to finish. Will do this in the future.

So, look forward to the second episode in coming weeks. It never really took off here in America, but it's got a surprisingly large cult following. I know that's being a little mysterious, but if you've heard of the game, there's a lot that can be said about it that's.. well.. already been said about it. At any rate, it's worth a go to try and expand interest, and hopefully we'll see a sequel sometime.

Here's another hint: they released a port for the PSP with a few extra levels.

Good luck!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The first (real) episode of Magic Ink Gaming is The Game of Life for the Nintendo Wii. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wonder why you don't have this game sooner. Or not. Enjoy!

If you like it or hate comment on it so we can improve the show